Worried About Scuba Diving? We’re Debunking Diving Myths!

Posted on 26 May 2020

What’s stopping you taking a scuba diving course? Are you worried about some pretty scary things you might have heard or read on the internet? There are tons of diving myths and untruths out there, so today we’re going to debunk them. After this you’ll have no excuse for not booking a PADI scuba diving course! (more…)

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Keeping Up Morale at Villa Almarik During The Covid-19 Outbreak

Posted on 08 May 2020

Keeping Up Morale at Villa Almarik During The Covid-19 Outbreak

As we watch the spread of Covid-19 around the world from Indonesia, we have realized how lucky we have been so far. Considering Indonesia is a country of 260 million people, the low number cases has been a blessing and we are very happy that most people who have contracted it have recovered quickly. This doesn’t mean we are letting our guard down, and are taking care to keep management and staff safe and healthy. (more…)

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What You Can Expect from Gili Trawangan Weather

Posted on 05 May 2020

Gili Trawangan is off the coast of Lombok, Indonesia, just 8 degrees south of the equator. With this location you can expect a certain type of climate, including heat, humidity, and only two seasons – wet and dry. Most visitors want to visit the island when it’s dry and there is plenty of sunshine. We’re going to help to plan for that with all the details of what you can expect from Gili Trawangan’s weather. (more…)

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