Diving Gili Trawangan – Shark Point

Posted on 21 April 2020

Diving Gili Trawangan - Shark Point

One of the most popular dives around Gili Trawangan is Shark Point. This is a dive site on the northwest side of the island. Just a short 15-20 minute boat ride from Gangga Divers at Villa Almarik, it’s easy to get to and dive a couple of times before heading back to the hotel for lunch and some relaxation time. To learn more about this exciting dive and what you can see there, keep reading. (more…)

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Plan Ahead for Your Next Trip to Gili Trawangan

Posted on 08 April 2020

We may not be able to travel at the moment, but this shouldn’t stop us from dreaming. Gili Trawangan will be the perfect location for a post-lockdown holiday for lots of reasons. Here are 5 to get you motivated to start planning your next Gili T trip. (more…)

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